Colin Dowell

A personal site with mostly random stuff from life and work. More about me and this site. The archive should link to everything.

Most recent (some very old)

Typewriters are amazing!
Fun to use. Distraction free. Always on. Compels you to move forward (can't go back!). Physical things are left behind.

Monkey waiters work for soy beans
What's better than getting beer and a hot towel? Receiving them from a monkey!

Extermiknit! My Mom knits Daleks
I have enjoyed awesome hand made sweaters my whole life, but these fit me perfectly

Blast from the past

In 2022 I unearthed some posts from 2003 that have a twitter-ish / facebook-ish vibe. Most were written and uploaded on a Danger Hiptop mobile device with a camera that interestingly attached via the headphone jack.

The Meatrix
Learn about factory farming from Moophius

Mom and Libby
Morning laze in Cape Cod

Flash Mobs
Let's get together and be kooky

I'm a rocker I rock out

Why do the images suck?
Cause the camera is from a Danger Hiptop

The grime is part of the charm

Secretly, I love Popeye's
You don't have to grow up in the south to love fried chicken

My walk to work
The path from Dupont Circle to Mindshare